Are you trying to make your human hair extensions last longer? Women tend to love luscious long and thick hair. This is because they have seen Disney princesses flaunting their long locks all their childhood. This convinces women that the best way to live a life is with long and luscious locks. Hence, it is not surprising that a big number of women crave for these.

But in this regard, what can you really do?

You may ask yourself, is it really possible to make hair extensions last longer than they are supposed to? Well, to this question, we can only say one thing. That is, hair extensions do not have a definite expiry date.

Now what does this mean? Simply put, you can make your hair extensions last as long as you want. However, the only downside is that the external factors will make the hair extensions useless over a period of time. But this does not really mean that you cannot prolong your results.

Prolonging the life of your hair extensions

In case you want your hair extensions to last longer, you have arrived at the right place. In this article, we put together all the tips that you can use.

A little about tape-in extensions

Let us discuss the rules based on tape-in extensions, since these are extremely common. However, these rules are more or less, going to apply on all kinds of extensions.

As far as tape-in extensions and hair pieces go, they are designed to mimic a very flawless feel and look. These extensions are not permanent, rather they are partially permanent. This means that you do not have to attach and detach them every-day. This is because they are taped in using an adhesive. Furthermore, you do not also have to commit to these extensions for an entire year.

Rather, tape-in extensions tend to last about 5 to 6 weeks in case you have a good hair care and good maintenance.

Brushing the hair extensions

It is very common for hair extensions to get locked among each other. This reduces their life, and makes your hair look frizzy and dull. So, what you can do to avoid this, is to brush your hair properly every single day. Essentially, you should be brushing your hair extensions at least two times a day.

Make sure that they are brushed before a shower, and then after the shower. But do this very gentle and avoid pulling them. For this, you should use brushes that are designed for hair extensions. Otherwise, you will be at the risk of damaging your hair.

Use conditioners

There are a big number of products that are designed for hair treatments in specific. Among these, conditioners are considered to be the most beneficial. So, make sure that you are properly conditioning your hair with a conditioner that is designed for hair extensions.

You can also use a dry shampoo rather than a wet one. Well, anyway, taking are of hair extensions like this is not hard at all. It only requires a good level of discipline. Once you have that, you are good to go.

Ending note

In case you go to good salons that do hair extensions Rockville, they can also guide you with all this stuff. Make sure that the products you are buying are suited well to the type of extensions that you have. This is also something that hairstylists or salons will be able to guide you with. Ultimately, know that the responsibility of taking care of hair extensions is within your hands. In case you do not take active are, your hair extensions will not really last as long. Hence, you will have to re-do them sooner again.

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